★ replaceText()

Returns the primitive value with replaced text.


Returns the primitive value with replaced text.

public replaceText<ReplaceText extends string = ''>(
  text: ReplaceText
): `${Opening}${ReplaceText}${Closing}` {
  return `${this.#opening}${text}${this.#closing}`;

Generic type variables


A generic type variable constrained by the string, by default of the value captured from the provided text indicates the ReplaceText type on the template of the return type.


text: ReplaceText

The text of a generic type variable ReplaceText to replace the text in the primitive value.

Return type


The return type is the template literal of generic type variables in order Opening, ReplaceText and Closing.


The return value is the primitive value with replaced text of a generic type variables in order Opening, ReplaceText and Closing on the template.

Example usage

// Example usage.
import { Wrap } from '@angular-package/wrapper';

// Returns [span] of type "[span]".
new Wrap(`[`, `]`, 'quote').replaceText('span');

// Returns [bold] of "[bold]".
new Wrap(`[`, `]`, '').replaceText('bold');

// Returns [u] of "[u]".
new Wrap(`[`, `]`).replaceText('u');

// Returns size] of "size]".
new Wrap(``, `]`).replaceText('size');

// Returns [size of "[size".
new Wrap(`[`, ``).replaceText('size');

Last updated